August 2, 2024

How I Work 4 Hours Per Day And Make $1M/Yr

Eric Thayne
5 min read

Most entrepreneurs believe that making more money requires working harder. I used to believe this for a long time.

So they hustle and grind, working 60 hours/week to “outwork” the competition.

Because hey, if you never take weekends off, or sleep, or do anything other than work, then how can somebody who does do those things ever keep up…?

This approach might work for a small percentage of the population, but not for me.

I do the opposite.

My business is on track to reach $1M/year and I only work a few hours a day.

It didn’t used to be like this though. For years, I got caught in the grind of constant growth at all costs.

I scaled my online community to multiple 7-figures in revenue.

From the outside, everything probably looked like a complete success.

Except that I wasn’t happy.

I hated working 40… 50… 60 hours a week. And then even if I wasn’t working I was still thinking about work, dreaming about work, stressing about work.

It cost me precious time with my family, and precious years of my life that I could have spent in a more meaningful way.

But now today:

  • I work a few hours each day
  • I'm in the best shape I've ever been in
  • I experience flow daily
  • I travel and take time off regularly
  • I'm happy

And in this letter I want to show you how.

First, I got really clear on my design.

The first step to optimizing your life for success is truly understanding yourself.

When you have extreme clarity on what you’re good at, what you value, what you’re passionate about, and how you like to operate, you open the flood gates of productivity.


Because if you really lean into those things, you become unstoppable.

Nobody else on planet earth can compete with your combination of genius.

And you spend all of your valuable time doing what’s most natural and effortless, and simultaneously makes the maximum impact.

This is what I call your “design”, and when I work with my one-on-one clients, we always start from here first.

I never go into their business trying to install a specific plan or strategy just because I like it.

We figure what’s actually going on, how they operate, and then develop a strategy that will work for them.

That way the plan is built from their strengths and the way they should do it.

By the way, if you want me to look at everything you’ve got going on and show you what roadmap I would follow to get where you want, you can book a call with me here.

I only do a few of these every week, but if you’re accepted I can promise it will be a game changer for you.

So what are your values, strengths, passions, and energy?

Spend some time writing these down and you’ll see a huge boost of momentum from the clarity you’ll receive.

Second, I decided what I want my life to look like.

Do you know what you’re really looking for?

Do you know what you want your life to look like?

Do you know what you want when you finally achieve everything you expect of yourself?

Spend time thinking about what it is you really want. If it’s to make more money, ask yourself why, and then why again, and then again.

For example:

→ I want to make more money. Why?

→ I want financial freedom. Why?

→ I want to support my family. Why?

→ I want to feel security. Why?

→ I want to live in peace.

I wrote an entire letter on peace recently. You can read it here in case you missed it.

Now, once you’re clear on what you really want, focus on getting it in your life now.

Not “when I achieve X”.


As entrepreneurs we get trapped into thinking that more money/success/fame/wealth is the key to happiness.

It's not.

Whatever feeling you're looking to achieve in your life is accessible to you right now.

And when you operate from that feeling, the success comes more naturally.

Third, I got really good at leverage.

“Leverage” is anything that allows you to get a larger output from the same input.

It’s like pushing down on a long lever. The further you move toward the end of the lever, the more movement you get on the other side with the same level of effort.

We live in a day and age where you can accomplish a LOT in very LITTLE time, and with little effort, using what I call digital leverage.

There are 4 pillars of digital leverage for an online entrepreneur:

  • A remote team
  • Software & automations
  • Digital products
  • Media

Let’s break these down:

1. Remote team

My entire team works remote, and I have people who work for me all across the globe.

There are 3 huge advantages that come from having a remote team:

  1. You don’t to own or lease an office space, reducing expenses.
  2. You can hire talent from anywhere in the world (huge talent pool)
  3. Your lifestyle isn’t tied to any single location

With a remote team, Zoom is your office, and you can access it anywhere.

This gives you huge leverage to operate in your design and get maximum output from your efforts.

Plus, with a way bigger talent pool, it’s easier to find people who have the exact design that complements yours and really align with your mission.

2. Software & automations

In today’s day and age, we have access to tons of software tools out there that make automating your business easy.

For example:

→ ConvertKit for email

→ ClickFunnels for landing pages

→ Senja for testimonials

→ Zapier for tying it all together

→ ChatGPT for research and ideation

Not to mention dozens of other AI tools that can speed up your workflow dramatically.

When you leverage AI and software to get things done in your business, it allows your business to run without you.

3. Digital products

Digital products are the ultimate leverage.

Whether it’s an online course, a digital download, or even a software product…

With digital products, you don’t have:

→ Inventory costs

→ Fulfillment labor

→ Scaling limitations

For example, with an online course, you create a landing page where someone can buy. When they buy, they get a a link to login, and then they access the course material on a membership site.

You create the product once, and then sell it as many times as you want.

4. Media

If you start making daily content today, you'll get some results right away.

But a year from now your results will be 10x or more.

The same input produces increasingly higher outputs.

Your growth compounds over time while the work required stays (relatively) the same.

If you make a good YouTube video today, a year from now new people will still be watching it.

This is how you use leverage to scale your marketing efforts.

Creating consistent content and building an audience is one of the best things I ever did.

It saved me $50,000/mo in ad costs.

And built a scalable lead gen source that compounds over time.

It's also an amazing outlet for my creativity.

Leverage is the ultimate productivity.

When I talk about productivity, I’m not talking about spreadsheets and Notion docs.

Productivity isn’t about getting more stuff done.

It’s about getting more output per unit of input.

And if you want to live a successful life, where you can live in your strengths, do what you love, and only work the amount you want to…

True productivity is the skill you have to learn to master.

Since discovering this, I now focus all of my time and energy on high-leverage, high-value activities.

This allows me the freedom to work 3-4 hours a day.

And spend the rest of my time pursing hobbies, spending time with family, traveling and seeing the world, and more.

I hope that by following these steps you’ll find more freedom in your life too.

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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:

1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.

2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.

3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.