April 12, 2024

How To Create A Year Of Content (Without Burning Out)

Eric Thayne
5 min read

One year of content can completely change your business and life.

In 2022, my business completely crashed.

Between the after effects of a certain worldwide disease, and the rising cost of Facebook ads, it became too unsustainable to make it work.

And I had to jump ship.

But what I did changed everything for me.

Instead of running ads, I went all in on creating content every single day for a year.

Within 6 months, my following skyrocketed and I completely replaced my ad spend with free, organic traffic.

Within a year, my business exploded and I started being put on big stages and podcasts.

And now after 2 years, I’m in a completely different place than I was.

I’ve gotten clear on my purpose, I have a new mission, I’m aligned with my values, I’m reaching hundreds of thousands of people every month…

And my business operates entirely on organic traffic.

I haven’t donated a dime to the Zuck since I made the switch.

Consistent content will change your life

I wish I could really drive home what this did for me, but it’s honestly hard to articulate.

The number in the bank account is satisfying, but it’s not the source of joy.

The number of followers looks good too, but that’s not it either.

Through this process, you won’t just figure out how to grow your business organically.

You’ll figure out how to build a lifestyle that feels smooth and effortless, and is aligned with your values.

So you can do what you love.

Talk about what you’re interested in.

Work with people who resonate with you.

Only work when your energy is high, and rest when it’s not.

And have the mental capacity to think clearly about your goals and make steps toward your dream life.

This is the stuff that is not taught online or in most masterminds.

This is what it means to be a true creator.

You’re literally aligning your life’s work with the way you were designed to operate, not how somebody else was.

The reason consistent content is so powerful is because it forces you to really figure out who you are, and how you like to work, so you can continue growing.

So with that being said, here’s a few tips for creating content consistently for a year:

1. The best time to record a video

One of our CREATE members, Ted, just completed a full 365 days of publishing videos online.

He hasn’t missed a single day.

One of the very few who have actually completed the challenge since I first started talking about it a year ago.

On our live session the other day I asked him to share the key to his success and consistency.

His response was perfect:

“The best time to record a video is when you just recorded one.”

What does this mean?

Batch your videos.

Let the flow and momentum that comes from shooting one video propel you into the next one, and the next one.

In just a few hours a month, you can have 30 days of content backlogged and ready to go at any time.

2. Remove all barriers

Think about what’s stopping you from shooting.

Is it a scheduling issue? Is it the technical know-how? Is it the fear of hitting publish?

Figure out what those barriers are and create a system to eliminate them.

For example, I like to make my videos look nice with lighting and everything.

It’s a huge undertaking every time if I have to set up all the cameras, lenses, and lights.

So I created a desk setup where I only have to hit one button and everything turns on automatically.

By creating systems around the barriers for you, you make the process of creating more consistently become easier and more effortless.

3. Build your team

Entrepreneurs are used to building teams around their business, but the most successful creators also build teams around their content.

Alex Hormozi is reported to be spending around 6 figures a month for his content.

But it doesn’t have to be that high.

Our agency typically operates around $10k/mo to create all your videos for you.

But if you’re just starting out, even one part time hire to help you with managing the videos or editing them can be a huge time saver.

This right here was the key to me staying consistent with content.

Us entrepreneurs and visionaries tend to be inconsistent with things.

It’s crucial to bring in people who can take over the things that you struggle to do consistently to keep things running and keep the content flowing.

Create your system

The real secret to becoming a consistent creator is following a proven, repeatable system for growing your views, following, reach, and income.

That’s why I created my new membership called CREATE.

It’s where I teach my entire operating system for being a creator and monetizing your online business with content and smart marketing.

Inside I’ll show you the inner workings of my framework to:

  1. Discover your personal brand, mission, values, and purpose.
  2. Create consistent, viral content that predictably drives attention to what you do.
  3. And build a profitable online business that scales without ruining your life

If you want to join our community of founders and entrepreneurs, go check out CREATE now.

Discounted founder pricing ends Tuesday at midnight.

I’ll see you in there.

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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:

1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.

2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.

3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.