Becca and I just got back from a 2-day creative retreat in the beautiful mountains of Utah. Honestly, we probably would have stayed longer, but ya know… kids and stuff.
We started this practice just a year ago. It was right after Funnel Hacking Live 2022, and we booked a 4-day cruise out of Orlando to get away for a few days to process things.
I had no idea how much this trip was going to change my life.
For four days on the cruise ship, we never even got off the boat. We skipped all the excursions, and spent almost the entire trip just sitting in a nice lounge area with floor to ceiling windows. Thinking. Writing. Reading. And thinking some more.
Now I know this would probably drive some people crazy, but for me it was life-giving. In just four days of intentional quiet time, I made an internal discovery that marked an entirely new trajectory for my life and my business.
I discovered my purpose, my passion, and my mission. Like a quiet voice in my head, it came to me: You are a creator. You are meant to create. To build and produce in the world. And more importantly to help others to see themselves as they truly are: creators.
In a moment of what felt like divine providence, the rain clouds that had been shrouding the sky all day opened up, and the sun shone down on me. It was a beautiful moment I’ll never forget.
That moment was the start of a whirlwind year of opportunities and growth that I never imagined possible. I’ve seen more success in my business in that time than I’ve probably seen in my whole life.
But the interesting part is that it didn’t come to me while I was hacking away at my business. It came from being away. And had I not taken that trip, I don’t know how long it would have taken me to figure that out, if ever.
I believe one of the biggest mistakes high-level entrepreneurs make in their business is that they spend all of their time being busy, working on new things, and chasing the next tactic or strategy that will be the thing that finally gets them what they always wanted.
And it’s not their fault. In today’s day and age we’re constantly bombarded by every guru’s secret sauce that is being marketed as “the key” to financial success—because it worked for them so it must work for everybody else… right..?
So it’s not hard to fall into the trap of chasing tactics, committing minimal resources to attempt each one to just see if it will work before abandoning it and moving on to the next thing. I’ve been there too.
But I’d like to propose a better way. Because ultimately what entrepreneurs really need to be successful isn’t just another tactic. What they need is to be more creative.
Creative. Innovative. Artistic. Unique. Original. Inventive.
And that requires taking time away from the business, and gaining creative space.
When you find true creativity, you build the foundation for better decision-making. You base your decisions off your core values. So they become the filter for what tactics you choose to implement in your business. And you grow slowly, methodically, intentionally, and predictably.
Funny enough, growing “slow” actually ends up being much faster, because even slow movement towards your goals is infinitely faster than running in circles quickly.
It’s like they say, “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.”
So how do you accomplish this? Well one simple practice that has had a huge effect on my creativity, and ultimately the growth of my business, is taking creative retreats.
Ever since last year, my wife and I have gotten into a somewhat regular routine of taking these trips. And every time it’s impactful. I truly believe that these retreats, some small and some big, have become the basis for all the decision-making in our organization, and ultimately the growth of our business.
I know it probably seems overly simplistic, and might even feel downright scary at first (what will happen to my business if I leave for a few days???) But it’s something that you have to take time for. Just trust the process. And I promise you’ll see the results.
So how do you actually do it? Let’s share some practical tips that will help you get started.
1. Where do I go?
The first most important rule of a creative retreat is that you have to get away. Away from your business and away from your default physical environment.
On a smaller scale, this could mean moving from your office to the living room for a day. But if you want to get the biggest return out of it, this probably means leaving your house, leaving your town, or even sometimes leaving your state or country.
The change of place and change of pace is a literal jolt to your creative system. It opens up your world to new possibilities. It allows you to think differently, without getting caught in the same old habitual rhythm. And that is a breeding grounds for creativity.
Want to really supercharge your creativity? Look for a place that inspires you. For some that might be the beach, or a cabin in the woods. Not a stuffy hotel room or the basement at your grandparents’ house.
I like to use Airbnb to find unique places in interesting environments. By the way, if you’re looking for a cool retreat in Utah, here’s the place where we just stayed this week. It was perfect.
Cruises are also a really good way to get away. You get to visit multiple new places, you don’t have to worry about preparing yourself food, and the internet usually isn’t very good so you have less distractions.
Whatever you do, find what inspires you and makes you happy.
2. How long do I spend away?
How long you spend is entirely up to you and your goals for the retreat, but here’s some guidelines.
On a small scale, you could spend a few hours doing this once a week. On a bigger scale, maybe a whole week once per year, or even a whole month or multiple months every few years.
For me, I’ve found that even just two days is enough to reset my creative system and get me back to alignment with my vision. But for harder, deeper problems, I might spend a week or more to really go deep.
3. What do I do while I’m away?
When you go away for your creative retreat, go in with one problem to solve. Think about one question that if you could answer it, it would answer a lot of other questions in your life or business.
For example, on that cruise ship a year ago, the question in mind for four days was, “What is my purpose? Why do I do what I do? What am I really trying to accomplish?”
This week, the question was, “What is my next 10x jump? What will my life look like when I’ve accomplished it?”
Good questions invite revelation. Take some time to figure out what the one question is before you go.
When you get there, do what works best for you to get in a creative flow state. This might take practice if you’re not accustomed to doing it, but give yourself the space to figure it out.
For me, it’s usually a combination of meditation, thinking, writing, reading, and honestly just doing something fun.
I LOVE the app for getting into a creative state. It plays music that is scientifically designed to get you into a flow state faster. If it normally takes me 20 or 30 minutes to get into flow on a project, will get me there in under 5 minutes. It’s amazing.
P.S. use the code ERICTHAYNE for 20% off your subscription
Now here’s probably one of the most important parts of this whole process: don’t try to force it.
You might figure it all out by the end of your retreat. You might not. Choose now to be okay with either result. If you feel pressure to get an outcome by the end of your retreat, it will cut off your ability to let it flow.
It’s been shown that your subconscious brain is 30,000 times (yes, you read that right) more powerful than your conscious brain. So if you want this to be the most effective, let your subconscious brain do the work.
Simply plant the question in your mind when you get started, then spend the entire time just letting it simmer. I know it seems weird at first, but just trust me.
Whether or not you feel like you’ve hit a certain benchmark in your head by the end of the retreat is irrelevant. This time that you’re spending is enhancing your creativity, and it is working without you trying to make it work.
If you starve yourself for a day, you’ll see your weight drop on the scale the next morning. But is it true weight loss? No. More likely your body is freaking out, shredding muscle, and holding onto fat to save itself. Despite what the numbers say, you’re not really losing weight.
In the same way, building a predictably growing business is less about chasing quick wins and more about building lasting habits that, over time, produce consistent results. This creative retreat is one of those habits that has benefited me in huge ways.
Hit reply to this email and let me know… have you ever taken a creative retreat? How was your experience? When will your next one be? Let me know. I read every response. See you next week.
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