What is your business optimized for?
For most entrepreneurs the answer is probably leads, sales, profits, growth or something along those lines.
And more often than not I’ve followed the same formula.
But for the last few months I’ve been trying something completely different
I’ve been optimizing my business for peace.
Peace is a powerful position to operate from.
When you have peace:
As I’ve optimized for peace, I’ve sensed an extreme fulfillment and satisfaction from entrepreneurship.
I hope you will experience the same.
Here are 4 tips to help you optimize your business for peace, and find more excitement, joy, and success from your work.
If you ask any entrepreneur what their goal is, almost all will say something about financial freedom.
Financial freedom is a wonderful goal, and a huge incentive for going out on your own.
But if you take it one layer deeper, ask yourself, “why do you want financial freedom?” what do you get?
For me, the answer was peace.
I discovered that all the work and hustle and money was all just a mechanism to achieve that one thing: peace.
“If I can just hit X, I will finally have peace.”
But this is a lie.
If you’re a high-achieving person, you know what I mean.
You believe that when you achieve a certain level, you’ll finally have the freedom/happiness/fulfillment you’re looking for.
But when you hit that level, now you’re looking for the next one. And then the next one.
It feels like constantly moving the finish line further and further away.
It doesn’t matter if you make $30k a year, or if you’re a billionaire.
The reality is, whatever it is that you’re looking for on the other side of that money, that promotion, or that goal… is already accessible to you right now.
And if you don’t have it right now, then you won’t when you achieve the next level.
So if you want the shortcut to achieving everything you truly want, try this. Spend 5 or 10 minutes journaling on these prompts:
When you do this, you’ll see that the feeling you’re looking for can be had right now.
When you operate from the future, and not towards the future, you’ll find that the success comes easy.
In other words, success is a result of peace. Not the other way around.
I recently came back from a creative retreat with my wife with a newfound clarity on the direction we’re going as a business.
I had been operating in a state of frenzy, constantly launching new products and offers, trying new tactics and strategies, and working everyone to their core to get it done.
It was necessary for a season, but I could see it was time for a change.
I told my team, “we’re deleting 80% of what we’re doing.”
We sat down and mapped out a very clear customer acquisition funnel.
We consolidated all of our programs under the umbrella of a single community called CREATE, where we share our latest insights and strategies for building a personal brand and business online.
And I started focusing my efforts on doing what I love and what I’m good at: helping people grow their brand, audience, and business sustainably.
I’ll only work with a few clients at a time, and we’ll go deep together on their brand and business.
(By the way, if you want one of these slots, let’s chat)
This extreme simplification of my business has resulted in a massive amount of clarity and direction, because I now have space to be a visionary.
It’s like turning off all the noise so all that’s left is the signal.
Here’s a quick exercise to help you do the same:
When you simplify this way, you bring 100% of your focus toward one thing that can actually scale. And you’ll find more peace in the process.
I recently watched an interview with Ali Abdaal and Andrew Wilkinson, a billionaire who owns 40 companies.
In the interview he talks about what it’s really like to be a billionaire, and it’s not all rainbows and daisies like you would think.
He says that he would rather have 5, 10, 20 million in the bank than be a billionaire.
The reason is because most billionaires are still stuck in the race of trying to get ahead of their peers. They’re still competing over who has the awesome jet or the super yacht.
It might sound silly, but the mentality of competition and getting ahead doesn’t stop when you reach a certain level.
So do you want to just run on the hamster wheel of success for the rest of your life?
Or can you set a goal that marks when you have enough?
Maybe you already have enough?
Knowing when enough is enough is a key component of finding more peace in your business.
Because otherwise you’re resigning yourself to a life that’s never good enough (because let’s face it, there’s always more you could do).
In this amazing video on YouTube, Joe Delaney explains the Optimization Paradox, which explains why trying to optimize every aspect of your life for highest performance can actually be toxic.
It’s definitely worth a watch.
In today’s day and age of social media, we’re surround by people sharing their thoughts and opinions on what brings success.
There’s a lot of good, valuable content out there that can really impact your life. But you need to be discerning of which content is for you.
The only thing worse than online gurus giving bad advice, is them giving good advice, but thinking that it applies to everyone.
We often have a bias toward believing the influencers we follow, especially if the person has achieved something that we want.
We think, “this person has what I want, therefore I should do what they did to achieve it too.”
The problem is, their advice can be totally right, and at the same time totally wrong for you.
That’s why it’s so important to get in touch now with what you want, how you like to operate, and what makes you happy.
There are many people in the world who are successful and miserable.
But the ones who are successful AND happy have a clear bias toward doing what makes them happy.
They easily say no to anything that isn’t a full body yes.
They optimize their life and business around what makes them tick, not what somebody else sells as the path.
The more you get clear on what you really love (and learn how to discern that from what you’ve been told to love), the more you start trusting your own intuition over other peoples’ advice.
And in that you’ll find more true success and peace.
I hope this letter helps you find a little more peace in your business.
If you enjoyed this, please share with your friends.
And if you want me to look at your business and give you my unfiltered advice on what could help you grow your personal brand, your audience, and your income faster, book a call with me here.
Always looking forward to helping you crush it.
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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:
1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.
2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.
3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.