This is one of the most important metrics in your business. Any business.
How many people every day, every month, every year… are you reaching?
You can have the best business in the world, the most amazing product, an innovative approach to your industry…
But if it doesn’t reach anyone, it won’t grow.
And the same is true with your personal brand and your content.
Regardless of what industry you’re in, if you want your content to perform, and build your audience, and therefore build your authority in your space, and grow your business from the attention…
You have to optimize for reach.
In this letter, I will show you how.
First things first, we have to understand the content funnel.
The content funnel is how you move people from not knowing a thing about you, to eventually becoming a customer of yours.
It often looks like this:
Someone sees your video suggested in their feed → They like it and move on → They get suggested another video of yours → They watch it all the way to the end and leave a comment → They get suggested another video → They like your content so they go check out your profile → They start binge watching a bunch of your videos → They decide to follow you to see more → They continue seeing your videos in their feed → In one video you offer a free guide that they want → They give you their email for it → They start getting emails from you every week → They see a mention of your product in one of the emails → They buy it
As you can see, your content is doing a LOT of work here.
Specifically, it’s guiding people through the 3 phases of the content funnel:
Therefore, not every piece of content is designed for reach.
But reach is probably the most important part of the funnel.
Notice in the drawing above how the top of the funnel is the widest.
That’s because you have to reach a lot of people in order to find the ones who are going to follow you, build a relationship, and buy from you.
So at every stage of the creator journey, it’s important to optimize for reach.
You might be wondering, “If I design my content for reach, won’t I just reach a bunch of people who aren’t my ideal client? Shouldn’t I just focus on my niche market?”
That’s a great question, but unfortunately social media doesn’t work that way.
If you speak specifically to your target market, you’re limiting your reach only to those people.
So the algorithm sees your content as only appealing to a small group of people, and therefore doesn’t spread it to more.
So what’s the solution?
It what I call going broad to go narrow.
To do this, follow this exercise:
These are your customers, your client avatar, the type of person that will buy from you.
These are the people who are duplicates of you.
The ones who relate to you on a deep level.
They have similar values, beliefs, and passions.
Ultimately these are the people who you are trying to reach.
So think about what type of content would appeal to these people.
Most likely, this will be industry-specific tips and tricks, sharing your knowledge and expertise, speaking in your market’s language.
Now think about how you could create content that would appeal to everyone.
I’m not talking about everyone in your industry. I mean, everyone.
What is a piece of content that you could create that anyone in the world could relate to.
For example, if I made a video of me chugging a gallon of milk in 30 minutes (and inevitably the aftermath of that situation…)
I would probably go viral and reach a LOT of people.
But are they going to be the right people? Probably not.
It’s important to consider the extreme here. Because this is how you reach a LOT of people, but want to make sure you’re reaching as many of the RIGHT people at the same time.
Which is where #3 comes in.
The goal here is to find the in-between.
The people who are not quite your target market, but at least somewhat adjacently related to it.
This is the sweet spot. This is where the magic happens.
Think about what type of content would be appealing to a wide audience of people, but that is still somewhat related to what you do.
For example, what if I made a video of me chugging milk, but related it to a lesson on how to get more reach for your videos?
Hmmm, that’s actually an interesting idea 🤔
When you get this right, you WILL reach people who are never going to buy from you.
But that’s okay, because those people do the work of spreading your content to the people that will.
By finding this sweet spot, you make your content shareable (therefore increasing reach), but still related to what you do.
You keep it within the realm of your expertise, but not so narrow that it doesn’t get wide appeal.
Tiana [LINK to her account] is a school teacher that helps other teachers to get their National Board Certification.
When she started working with me a few months ago, she was creating content specifically sharing tips and tricks on how to get your certification (too narrow).
Her videos would get around 50 views each.
Instead, we had Tiana start creating videos not just speaking to teachers who want to get their certification… but teachers in general.
She started sharing thoughts and opinions on teaching and schools.
She talked about wage gaps, and issues that happen in the classroom.
Stuff that any teacher in the world could relate to (even if they’re not currently working on getting their certification).
What happened?
Almost immediately her views shot up to thousands of views on each video.
She’s now getting sometimes 10k+ and even 100k+ views on her videos.
Her content is way more shareable.
And even though not ALL of them are her ideal audience, she’s getting a lot more of them than she was before.
Here’s a short video of Tiana explaining how she did it:
[Video thumbnail linking to Tiana’s testimonial]
Optimizing your content for reach is one of the most impactful ways to grow your personal brand and get more customers for your business online.
If you want me to look at your account and show you what to do to increase the views and reach on your content, and optimize your content funnel to grow your business…
Schedule a free strategy call with me here.
I only do a few of these every week, so spots are limited.
But if you’re accepted, I’ll give you a clear roadmap of what to do going forward to dramatically scale your personal brand and grow your online business.
I hope this letter was valuable.
I’ll see you next week 👊
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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:
1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.
2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.
3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.