December 29, 2023

My entire content strategy for 2024 in one email

Eric Thayne
5 min read

It’s that time of year again. You’re working on new year’s resolutions, making goals and plans for next year, and figuring out what strategies you’re going all in on.

Personally I’m pumped about the next year, and I’ve been doing some work on my own content strategy.

2024 is going to see some huge waves in the video content space. And the people who are prepared for it will be riding that wave.

So, as promised in the headline, I want to take this letter to share with you my entire content strategy for 2024 in one email.

You ready for it? Here it goes:

Create high-quality consistent content for the entire year.

This might sound overly simplistic at first glance, but trust me, there’s a lot to unpack in that short sentence.

Let me break it down for you one piece at a time:


Ah, there’s that word again… create. What does that mean? Why do I use that word?

There’s a reason I didn’t just say “make” content or “pump out”.

“Create” implies a certain level of care and attention to detail that goes into your content.

And this isn’t just something nice to say, you’re going to find in 2024 that it’s crucial to your success.

People are picky with their follows now. They’re not just going to follow any Joe Shmoe who pumps out a ton of videos every day and slaps some captions on them.

No, you’ve gotta care. You’ve gotta start to see yourself as a creator. Adopt the identity of someone who does this.

It’s kinda like that saying goes: “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Your audience knows if you’re just half-heartedly posting videos online to get attention for yourself and your business.

And they’re not falling for it.

Don’t just create content, be a content creator.


The standard for quality on video content is raising every single year. It’s not enough anymore to just slap together some terrible videos at a high volume and expect people to gush all over you.

It’s time to up your quality.

Important note though: high-quality doesn’t mean expensive cameras, exquisite lighting, and fancy edits. No sir.

I see so many people getting caught up in the gear and editing and the trendy animations…

That they completely forget about the content of their content.

(BTW, that’s what really matters)

Does that mean that shooting high-quality videos with good editing isn’t important? No.

If you’re trying to build a serious brand and really grow your authority and influence online, good production says a lot about you and how much you care about what you do (hello, read the last section)

But it doesn’t matter if you look beautiful on camera, if what you’re actually saying isn’t interesting, unique, original, or entertaining… nobody’s gonna care.

Creating high-quality content requires thought. Take the time to make sure you’re putting something truly valuable out there if you want to stand out.


People will try to tell you that “the algorithm rewards consistency” or something like that. But you want to know what rewards consistency way more than the algorithm?

Your audience.

You have one goal with your video content and one goal only:

Build a deep, emotional, relational, parasocial relationship with your audience.

That’s it.

If you can do that effectively, then every result or outcome or other goal you wanted to reach with your content will come easily and effortlessly.

And consistency is one of those things that drives home that relationship.

Think about, who wants to follow the entrepreneur that only shows up online when they have something to sell you?

Who wants to follow the content creator that disappears for 6 months and then suddenly comes back expecting everything to be the same?

Who wants to follow the person that only posts sporadically because they “don’t have time” for it?

Just like in real life, where it’s hard to be friends with people who are only there for you some of the time, the same is true in your online relationship with your audience.

Now consistency doesn’t necessarily mean every day.

It could be 3x a week, once a week, or once a month.

Obviously, the more the better, but not so much that you fall into the trap of low-quality, apathetic content.

Find a balance where you can create consistently, while maintaining high quality and care.


Content can mean a lot of things: blogs, tweets, videos, ads, posts, podcasts, etc.

But there’s one of these that trumps all the others in terms of its ability to build deep connection with your audience and grow that know, like, trust factor.

If you haven’t guessed, it’s video.

Think about it, the absolute best way to build a deep relationship with someone is by being in person with them. You know, kinda like you did with all your closest family and friends.

Except, that’s hard to do with a lot of people simultaneously at once.

The power of video (and especially short form video) is that you get to show up in your audience’s life, in life-like form, every single day, and build a relationship with them.

It doesn’t matter if they’re at home, in the office, in bed, or in the bathroom (I know, weird right)

Day by day, minute by minute, you’re building a deeper connection with those people.

And you can do it with hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people all at the same time.

That’s powerful.

Go all in on video content this year. By the end of the year, you won’t even know what happened.

…for the entire year.

This may be the most important part of this whole sentence.

If you want to be successful with content, you have to create. high-quality. consistent. content….. for a long period of time.

I see so many people quit after 2 weeks because they didn’t see a flood of leads from it.

Or worse, people who never start because they can’t stomach the idea of putting so much effort into something that doesn’t get them a return on day one.

And then they miss out, over and over again.

This is not an overnight thing. You’re not going to be insta-famous by tomorrow.

But if you really adopt the identity of a creator, and you create a high-quality video today, and then the next day, and you do it over and over and over again…

A year from now you’ll look up and realize that you have access to everything you wanted.

Since we’re at the beginning of the year, this is an amazing time to commit to creating content consistently for this entire year.

Don’t stop. Keep going.

In closing…

Every person that I talk to who says their content isn’t working for them is missing at least one of these things.

Maybe they’re making high quality videos, but they only show up every once in a while.

Or they posted for an entire year straight, but their content just isn’t interesting.

Make sure you have all five of these elements in your content this year, and you will see yourself crushing it in no time.

Happy New Year! Hope you all have an amazing 2024. Can’t wait to continue on this journey with you!

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1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.

2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.

3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.