January 2, 2024

One year of content can change your life

Eric Thayne
5 min read

“Publish content every day for a year and your life won’t be the same.”

I know you’ve probably heard it before from mentors and coaches (or me haha).

And if you’re anything like me, you’ve even tried it. You got started making the videos, posting them online, thinking “this is it, I’m going to do this consistently for a whole year.”

But then 3 weeks later you find yourself getting busy with other things, and suddenly… you totally dropped the ball on your content again.

No matter what you do, you just can’t figure out how to actually stay consistent with it.

(Any other entrepreneurs in here that struggle with squirrel syndrome? 👋 Heyo.)

But it’s not really your fault. Creating content consistently is hard.

You have to come up with all the ideas, likely do multiple takes to shoot the videos, get them edited, publish them on every social media platform…

Not to mention, knowing what strategy to follow so you’re not just blindly making content hoping that it will work.

And then when you do post, if the video only gets 3 likes, it kind of makes you feel like “what’s the point?”, right?

One year of content

If that’s you, then I know exactly how you feel.

For seven years of running my business online, I never could bring myself to post consistently.

And the worst part is, I knew that I was missing out on a huge opportunity.

I watched my competitors all creating content, building their audience online, and skyrocketing their business past me… for years.

While I just kept dumping all of my money into Facebook ads trying to keep my business alive.

Unfortunately, it took me driving my business into the ground before I finally woke up (nothing like learning lessons the hard way, right??)

When I finally made the decision in 2022 to completely shut off my Facebook ads and start creating content every day, I had no idea it was going to work. But I was desperate and I didn’t have another path.

So I made a video the first day. And then the next day. And then the next. And I didn’t stop.

365 days later…

I had crossed over 150,000 followers on all my accounts.

I found myself on stage speaking to 500 high-level entrepreneurs at a luxury resort in Cancun, Mexico.

A few weeks later I was invited to speak again, this time in front of 5,000 entrepreneurs at one of the biggest marketing events in the world.

I launched my new book Create Don’t Capture and watched the ripple effect as it continues to impact thousands of people.

I’ve now spoken at events all over the world, most notably Brazil and Denmark, not to mention all the ones in the US.

I’ve been invited to podcasts, including the #1 marketing podcast in the country, with 100 million monthly downloads.

And my agency has scaled to over 7 figures in ARR in its first year.

All completely organically. Not a dime spent on ads.

I’m completely in awe and massively humbled.

(And I’ll be the first to tell you that it feels AMAZING not seeing 40%+ of my revenue going to Mark Zuckerberg every month.)

The key to consistency

So what happened? What made it so that I was finally able to pull through and create content consistently (still going today!) unlike all my failed attempts before?

Well, for those of you that like wordplay…

“Consistency” kind of sounds like “ConSYSTEMcy”.

You see, if you struggle to be consistent with something, it’s because you need a system.

The reason why I’ve been able to make content (almost) every day for more than a year and half at this point…

Is because early on I focused on building a system.

I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to stay consistent if I didn’t have a system.

A system that pumps out quality content whether I’m busy or not.

A system that creates real engaging content, not just AI-generated fluff.

A system that truly builds my brand, allows to build a relationship with my audience, and drives growth predictably for my business.

And it only takes me a few hours a month of work, and my content goes out like clockwork.

Let me show you how it works

Almost 2 years into building and refining—and then refining again and again—this system, I still haven’t shared it with anybody.

Sorry, guess I’ve been busy just making it work…

But this week that’s going to change.

Starting tomorrow, I’m hosting a live 3-day workshop where—for the first time ever—I’ll be pulling back the curtain on my entire content production system…

So that you can kickoff 2024 with a strong content strategy and actually finally make this year your “year of content.”

I’ll show you how I come up with ideas for content, how I decide on my content strategy, how I learned how to speak confidently on camera (even as a serious introvert), and most important, how I manage all of the content so it goes out without me.

And it’s 100% free btw.

Go here to get more information and to get registered for the workshop.

Can’t wait to crush our content together in 2024.

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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:

1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.

2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.

3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.