Facebook ads are getting more difficult by the day.
Many online entrepreneurs I know are struggling to stay profitable.
Heck, even big companies like Tesla are trying to cut costs with massive layoffs.
But especially for online entrepreneurs in uncertain economic times, these things can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.
That's why, if you want to survive this wave, it's absolutely vital that you learn how to predictably drive business from organic content.
The problem is, you don't have TIME to wait a year for your content to kick in and start getting results.
If you're like a lot of business owners, you need it to work right now.
And that's what I'm going to show you how to do in this letter.
You’ve probably heard a mentor or coach (or me) saying something along the lines of:
“Publish content every day for a year and your life will never be the same.”
And honestly, it’s true.
But who wants to wait an entire year for it to work? (especially when it’s so much easier to dump your money into ads and get leads right now—even if they’re low quality…)
Well, when you do it right, you don’t have to wait.
When I finally followed this advice and started creating content consistently, I LOST followers every day for 2 months…
But during that time, I also MADE $30,000.
Because I mastered how to create a content system that doesn’t just put a video out every day.
I did it in a way that:
All with only a few hours of my input every month.
So in this letter, let’s break down exactly what I do:
When you commit to this process, your life will change.
I know that sounds like a big claim, but I can claim it because mine did.
And I’ve seen it happen for tons of others too.
This process completely trivialized content creation for me.
And now it’s almost effortless.
There’s a lot of depth to this system, and I get a lot of questions about it.
Which is why I’m doing a free Zoom workshop on exactly this on Friday at 10am.
It’ll be cool and casual, and I’ll be able to go more in-depth than I can in a newsletter, plus answer your questions too.
Hope to see you there.
Alright, let’s get into the framework:
One of the most important parts of this method is that your content needs to be always reaching new people.
If you keep blasting the same sales message to the same people every day, it’s gonna die out pretty fast.
So how do we create content that reaches NON-followers every single time, like this video I posted the other day:
Btw, this video only got about 5,000 views but it added nearly 150 new people to my newsletter. With one post.
So here’s how I make that happen:
In 2024… “know, like, and trust” is the name of the game in business.
I mean, it’s always been that way, but now it’s more important than ever.
Not all of your content should be designed to reach tons of new people.
You can build rapid authority by sharing extremely valuable content to your current audiences and establishing yourself as an authority in your space. This can be posts like:
Every day your content warms up your audience more and more, and you turn new followers into raving fans.
A lot of “marketers” completely overlook this.
They think that they should only use social media to sell to their audience.
So they show up to do a launch, then disappear for months.
And then wonder why their results slowly die over time.
The content you make between launches is where the magic happens.
Don’t miss this crucial step.
(On Friday I’ll show you how to autopilot this so it’s like clockwork)
Nobody wants to follow somebody online who’s just constantly talking about their business or what they’re selling.
So how do you drive daily leads into your business without talking about it every day?
I thought you’d never ask.
I do this using an underground selling method that works like a charm. It looks like this:
Congratulations, you now have new people joining your list every day, where you can create more value and talk about your business.
The huge advantage of this is that you only ever send more information to people who are already interested.
So you end up with tons of high-quality leads on your list who actually care about what you do and want to know more.
(As an example, this letter gets a 55% average open rate every week. And 75% of readers are 5 star subscribers. That’s high even for industry standards)
As for the rest of your audience, they might still be warming up to you, or they might never buy from you.
But it’s okay, because the people who never buy do the work of spreading your stuff to the people that do.
This process is how I started getting leads from my content basically from day one, and exactly how I made $30,000 in my first two months.
And the cool thing about it, is that it grows over time.
You don’t have to do any additional work, it just compounds.
And when you can automate the whole process so it only takes a few hours of your month, and the content goes out like clockwork, that’s when the game changes.
So if you want to learn how I automate this process (and still create high-quality, effective content that works)…
I hope you’ll join my free Zoom workshop on Friday.
Can’t wait to chat with you and show you some cool stuff.
See you there 👊
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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:
1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.
2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.
3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.