A good “creator” business depends on good content.
And good content comes in 3 forms:
Reach content
Trust content
Sales content
This is the content funnel.
You reach new people with social media content, you build trust with them by inviting them to go deeper, and then you sell your products and services.
I call this the 1-1-1 Method, because this is how I do it:
→ 1 video a day
→ 1 newsletter a week
→ 1 workshop a month
This is the system that I run over and over again. Every day, week, and month.
And it just works.
This process guarantees that I run a business where I spend my time doing what I love, talking about what I’m good at, and helping other people where I can help them best.
And because it’s simple, that means it’s super scalable, and allows me time freedom and creative space to be present with my family, travel, and do more with my life.
In this letter, I’ll break this system down for you so you can implement it too.
One Video Per Day
If you’ve known me for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard me championing this idea of making daily videos to grow your brand.
There is extreme power in this strategy.
For one, because it’s simple.
You post a video every day sharing your expertise with your audience, and you make every video 1% better than the day before.
At the end of a year, your videos will be 37x better than when you started.
Anybody can do it. All it takes is a phone and a social media account.
And you have virtually unlimited reach at your fingertips to find people who resonate with you, your message, and your business.
And secondly, because it works.
When you show up on a daily basis for your audience (big or small) you build a parasocial relationship with them.
Your viewers will feel like they know you. They will begin to trust you. And then they will buy from you.
Every day, I post a short video on Instagram sharing one simple idea or principle.
And I’m able to reach hundreds of thousands of people every month.
If I were running Facebook ads, that would cost me thousands of dollars per month, and wouldn’t be nearly as effective.
One Newsletter Per Week
Every week I write a newsletter.
Hello, hi. You’re reading it.
Each week in the newsletter I go deep on one topic and share it with my readers.
I typically spend 1–2 hours writing these letters.
It’s not just a quick, copy-written sales sequence.
I view my newsletter as content. It’s purpose is to provide deep value, share my expertise in an actionable way, and give people real results.
Social media content is designed for reach, and therefore needs to be somewhat surface level to be effective.
Then, the newsletter serves to get people OFF of social media (where I don’t own the traffic)…
And give them an opportunity to go deeper.
So, every week:
I write a newsletter, going deep on one topic
I create a “teaser” post, that gives a preview of the newsletter
I post the teaser on social media and invite people to join the newsletter
Using this method, I’m currently gaining around 100 new readers every week, completely organically (and that keeps going up).
One Workshop Per Month
Just about every month, I do a live workshop where I get on Zoom with my audience, teach them something valuable, and interact with them face-to-face.
These workshops are an opportunity to go even deeper with your audience and provide even more value.
(Getting on a live workshop and interacting with people is so fun and rewarding!)
And if you do it right, and really make it valuable, at the end of the workshop your audience will be asking you to tell them about your products and services.
So you have an opportunity to share your program or product in a non-salesy, casual way.
For example, I just did this month’s workshop on Thursday (if you missed it, you can catch the replay here).
And I launched a new live cohort of my Crush Your Content Challenge, which you can check out here.
Each month that I do this, I bring in a new group of people who are interested in one of my programs, and it creates a sales boost for that month.
“Most People Won’t”
As a creator, marketer, or entrepreneur, it’s important to understand the principle of MPW, or “most people won’t”.
What that means is:
→ When you make a video, most people won’t see it
→ When you invite people to your newsletter, most people won’t join
→ When you do a workshop, most people won’t attend
→ When you sell a product, most people won’t buy
And that’s okay.
With the 1-1-1 Method, you’re not trying to sell and convert every single person at every stage of the funnel.
You’re simply scooping the cream off the top.
The people who are ready to go to the next level do, and the rest continue learning from you until they’re ready.
In a creator business, most of your audience won’t ever buy from you, and that’s okay.
Because they do the work of helping you find more people who will.
I hope you enjoyed this letter.
If you made it to the end, hit reply and shoot me a message with your main takeaway. I read every response, and I love hearing from you.
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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:
1. Join my free Skool community- and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.
2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.
3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.