April 26, 2024

The 3 phases of omnipresence

Eric Thayne
5 min read

Happy Friday friends 👋

Creating content is one of the most lucrative, profitable, scaleable, impactful, and fulfilling ways to scale your business.

But just like anything else, it takes time.

One of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs run into with their content is trying to do it all at once.

This idea of “omnipresence” (or showing up on every platform consistently) is really appealing.

But few teams have the systems to actually do it.

Today I want to give you a simple 3-step framework to start creating high-quality, consistent content.

And then ultimately scale it to a high-volume, high-quantity, high-quality system.

In Create Don’t Capture, it says:

Quality is better than quantity. But quantity leads to quality. And quality quantity is the best.

That’s what we’re after. Let’s get into it.

Phase 1: Consistency

Phase one of creating content is just consistency. That’s it.

When I started creating my first videos online, I had to completely let go of the need to make them high quality or visually appealing.

(Which is really hard for an artist-at-heart like me, btw…)

I knew that if I wanted to be successful at this, the key was to be consistent first.

Make a video every day.

And worry about making them good later when I’ve got the consistency down.

The key to being consistent with content is building a system.

There’s a reason I often call this “conSYSTEMcy”.

Because a system is the solution to your inconsistency.

When you have a clear system to make sure that content goes out every day like clockwork, with minimal input from you… that’s when you’ll be consistent.

And it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It just has to work for you.

Building your system

A good system has 3 parts:

People → Tools → Processes

When you’re just starting out, the “people” might just be you. And that’s okay.

But the tools and processes will streamline your entire workflow and dramatically lower the lift on you to get content created.

When it comes to tools, here are some my favorites that I use in my system:

  1. Notion
  2. Dropbox
  3. Hypefury
  4. Metricool
  5. ChatGPT
  6. Liinks
  7. ConvertKit

Each of these tools helps automate a part of the process, which in turn makes it so much easier to get content done with minimal time and minimal team.

For processes, I’ve spent several years building frameworks and SOPs around content creation so my content goes out like clockwork, and it only takes me a few hours a month of work.

I teach this entire system inside my Crush Your Content Challenge.

And next week I’m starting a brand new LIVE cohort of this challenge.

Inside you’ll get all of my tools, frameworks, processes, and step-by-step trainings on how to start creating high-quality content consistently.

This challenge has helped people who never thought they would create content finally get started. Like Fiona:

If you want to check out the LIVE cohort of the challenge starting next week, go here.

Now let’s move on to the next phase:

Phase 2: Quality

Once you’ve got a clear system down for creating content consistently, now it’s time to turn your attention toward really making it good.

Many times I see people commit to making consistent content for 6 months or a year.

Which is an amazing goal, and incredible if you’re able to achieve it.

But if you’re not constantly improving the quality of your videos, just creating the same video 365 times isn’t going to do much for you.

The key is to make your content 1% better every day.

1% better every day for a year = 37x better at the end of the year.

Don’t just make 365 videos. Make 365 iterations.

  1. Analyze the performance of your content. Which posts got a lot of engagement? Which ones flopped?
  2. Double down on what worked. If there’s an idea that got a lot of traction, create more content around that idea, but hit it from different angles.
  3. Avoid making mistakes twice. When a video doesn’t perform, pay attention to why you think that happened. Was it a boring hook? Too long? Avoid doing that again.

Actually write these things down.

This is extremely valuable data, and decisions based on data always produce results.

This process used consistently over time will automatically guide you towards quality content that hits every time, and you will grow your audience much faster.

Phase 3: Quantity

It is entirely possible to scale your creator business to 7-figures or more only using the first 2 phases of this framework.

Focus on really nailing the quality and consistency of your content in these 2 phases.

And then when you’re ready to really scale your content systems, and achieve omnipresence, this is where phase 3 comes in.

To do this, first decide on 3 things:

  1. What platforms you will post on regularly.
  2. What content formats you will use on each platform.
  3. What formats work across different platforms.

For example:

Platforms → Instagram & LinkedIn

Formats → Instagram: Reels & carousels, LinkedIn: Long copy & carousels

Cross-platform → Carousels created for Instagram can be cross-posted to LinkedIn.

Then you do what I call “native repurposing”.

What this means is repurposing ideas instead of content.

Instead of taking one piece of content and just copy pasting it to every platform…

You take a single idea and rework it into formats that feel native on each platform.

The key here is to build a content waterfall, where every idea you have gets turned into 10–15 pieces of content.

It’s a little more involved than just taking snippets of your long form videos or podcasts and just mass-producing them all over the place.

But it’s worth it because it maintains a high level of quality and effort, which is far more effective at gaining attention and building trust with your audience.

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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:

1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.

2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.

3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.