I’ve been getting on a lot of calls with you guys over the last few weeks since I opened up a few slots on my calendar every week for strategy sessions.
It’s been fun getting to know more of you.
But it’s also been really valuable seeing exactly what people need to get their business going online…
(In a scalable, predictable way… which is NOT how most people’s business are run…)
So in today’s letter, I’m going to show you the 3 pillars of a scalable creator business.
This is the foundation.
If you don’t have these three things in place yet, or they’re only… kinda… in place…
Put your focus here first.
This foundation will create a basis for a business that can scale up predictably, create massive freedom for you, and allow you to go deep on your craft.
Of all the things I’ve built in 20 years of entrepreneurship, nothing has been as effective as this.
Let’s get into it.
In today’s day and age, your content is way bigger than just “another marketing tactic for your business.”
It’s your entire online presence.
It’s how people judge who you are and what level you operate at.
Think about it… there are way more people who know you by your online presence than by your “real life” presence.
It’s almost as if online IS real life now…
It doesn’t matter if you’re actually an incredible expert at what you do… if your content doesn’t show it, nobody knows it.
In 2024 and beyond, if you’re trying to build something—anything—and you’re not creating consistent content on at least one platform…
You’re missing the biggest opportunity of our time.
So if you’re not creating content yet, or if it’s inconsistent, here’s what to do.
I’m going to make this really simple for you.
Every day, post a video of you sharing something about your expertise.
That’s it.
Don’t worry about the algorithm, going viral, getting engagement, etc. if it’s all too overwhelming.
Just make a video every day.
If you want my simple framework to follow, you can learn it here. (direct link to 60 second framework pdf)
When you do this, here’s what will happen:
First and foremost, you will start reaching people.
It doesn’t matter if you have the best product in the world, or an amazing expertise to help people with.
If you can’t reach people, you’ll never sell your product or help anyone.
Luckily, we live in an age where near unlimited reach is right at our fingertips.
You used to have to have a ton of money or know somebody to get massive reach.
Now you just download a free app, shoot a video, and hit publish.
It’s so simple. How can you NOT do it?
Trust is the backbone of every business. And yet nobody talks about it.
Everybody wants to tell you that can increase your sales by writing a better headline or changing a button from blue to green.
Those are small potato strategies.
Want to see a HUGE boost in sales in your business?
Try building trust with your audience.
Honestly, you could have the worst product and funnel in history, but if you have a massive following of raving fans, you’ll make a lot of money.
When you show up and provide value every day through your content, you give people a chance to build trust with you.
And that’s when they buy.
This letter that I write every week is a huge part of my work week
I spend 1–2 hours writing it.
I try to make it really good.
This is not just a “sales sequence” with hokey emails that try to fein value.
I want to give you actionable advice that you can really use.
But it’s also a key piece of my business.
Here’s 3 reasons why a newsletter is absolutely essential to your online business:
On social media, you don’t own your audience.
The owner of the platform can change the algorithm, update the terms of service, censor your content, suspend your account, or completely shut you down.
It has happened, does happen, and will continue to happen.
If your entire business is built on a social media platform, you’re teetering on the edge of disaster.
On the flip side, you own your email list. Even if your email platform shuts down, you can move your list to another platform.
Having a solid email list means having a solid business.
Social media content is amazing for getting reach.
But once you do, get people off social media and into your list as fast as humanly possible.
Your email list actually gives you a better idea of who your core audience is.
Social media numbers can get inflated pretty quickly.
(Especially when a “view” counts as somebody who happened to scroll past a video of yours…)
So your email newsletter is a place to gather your real audience.
It’s the people who have shown real intent. Who really care about what you do and what you talk about. Who want to go deeper.
Use your social content to find more of these people, and then invite them into your newsletter.
If your creator business is set up correctly, most of your sales should come from your newsletter.
In fact, I rarely sell anything on social media.
Rare cases are when I’m launching a brand new product or something big and exciting.
Otherwise, the content is best for reaching new people and building trust with them.
And then your newsletter is the place to move people into conversations where sales can be made.
For example:
→ Book a call with me here.
→ Register my free workshop next week.
→ Join my challenge.
P.S. this probably goes without saying, but I’ll say it again for repetition… your newsletter is not just a place to promote your stuff.
Do that and watch your open rates drop like a rock.
This letter gets a 50%–60% open rate every week.
For perspective, 20%–30% is usually considered a “highly engaged” list.
Like with most things, you have to actually care about your audience enough to provide real value.
And then the links are more like little “by the way” statements that you sprinkle throughout that are related to what you’re talking about.
The last pillar of your foundation is your product.
Believe it or not, you don’t need dozens of products and offers and services to build a huge business.
You just need one (or a few).
It’s been said that every product you add increases the complexity of your business by 12x.
Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking you need to build a whole “value ladder” right away or have products at every price point.
→ Start with one.
→ Make it really good.
→ Systematize it.
→ Scale it.
My best years in business have always been when I’ve focused on ONE thing.
One of my mentors Russell Brunson always said this:
“One product. One sales funnel. One traffic source. Until you make a million dollars.”
Until you reach $1 million in sales, don’t overcomplicate things.
There you go, those are the 3 pillars of a scalable creator business.
This might sound simple.
That’s because it is.
I like simple.
Simple businesses scale.
If you want to learn the simplest, most scalable, most predictable model for building your audience, your brand, and your business…
Go register for my free workshop next week.
And always, if you have any questions feel free to hit reply and shoot me a message.
I often use your questions as a launching point for new content.
Enter your email below to read this letter, and get one actionable tip sent to your inbox every week on online business, content creation, and personal development.
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…and you’re ready to take your brand, your content, and your business to the next level, here’s a few ways I can help you:
1. Join my free Skool community - and get free content, trainings, industry updates, and network with other amazing creators.
2. Join my free workshop to learn how to build your content production system and send a flow of leads to your business.
3. Book a free strategy session - I’m opening a few slots on my calendar to meet with serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their audience and their business. I’ll look at what you’ve got going on and help you develop a winning strategy.