This Daily Routine Will Change Your Life (4 Steps)
Eric Thayne
5 min read
For the past year or so I’ve been developing and optimizing the perfect daily routine.
Not one that just makes me more productive so I can cram more into my day.
But one that gives me more freedom, fulfillment, and momentum.
And most importantly, takes me 1% closer to the best version of myself every day.
This is a huge departure from the overworked, overwhelmed, and overscheduled routine that I used to live by (and a lot of hustle-culture gurus still teach today).
That can work for some. But not for me.
I’ve learned to optimize my routine for me—my peace, abundance, and well-being over everything else—instead of for my business.
And it has made me:
10x more productive.
10x more healthy.
10x happier.
And 10x more successful.
Your business is run by a human and that human is you.
So doesn’t it make sense that your life experience (and business) would be improved by optimizing every element of your “self”?
This is my daily routine now. Let me break it down for you step-by-step.
The mind
Every morning, start your day off with 3–4 hours of deep work.
In the morning after a good night’s sleep your brain is optimally poised to enter a flow state where you can be ultra productive.
You can get more done in 4 hours than most people do in 8.
Every night, set your intention for your 4 hour block the next morning.
Ideally focus on no more than one or two things to get done.
The heart
Take time every day for things that you love.
This might be a couple hours in the evening playing with kids, doing a hobby, or just passing time with friends or family.
These hours are crucial for finding rest and peace, and helping you refocus on what’s most important.
A creator cannot create from lack. Use this time to refill your cup regularly.
The body
Spend at least an hour walking, doing cardio, or training weights.
Your body is the vehicle that you experience life through. It makes sense to keep it in top condition.
I spend about an hour at the gym every morning, half cardio and half weight training.
I try to get in as many steps as possible throughout the day.
And my wife and I go on a walk every night before bed.
The soul
Mindful practices like meditation and prayer are the keys to finding presence and inner peace, and regulating your central nervous system.
Take time every day to meditate, sit and be bored, or focus on your breath.
Spending time with your body will make you more aware of your physiology and help you make better decisions and understand your energy.
I find that a 10–20 min meditation after work and before spending time with family is a great way to integrate all the stress from the day before leaving my office.
Do what works for you
No routine is one size fits all.
Do the work to understand yourself and what works for you. Then build a routine that incorporates all 4 of these elements to truly optimize yourself for maximum productivity and fulfillment.
Over time, these practices will change your life.
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