May 10, 2024

Turn One Idea Into 10 Pieces Of Content (My Repurposing System

Eric Thayne
5 min read

When people talk about repurposing, they typically mean taking the same piece of content and copy pasting it to multiple platforms.

And while that’s fine for initial growth…

If that’s all you do, it’s going to be very clear to your audience that you’re not putting effort into your content.

Ideally, you would post native content on every platform every single day.

But that just leads to burnout.

So what do you do instead?

Enter… the Creator Growth System.

My team and I have spent hundreds of hours racking our brains on how to create a system that allows me to be on every platform consistently without burning out.

And most importantly, it produces high quality, native content (not just mass-produced, copy pasted fluff).

Let’s break it down:

Step 1: Start with ideas

Want to make your content go further while keeping it high quality?

Don’t repurpose content. Repurpose ideas.

One idea can easily become 10–15 pieces of content.

So the foundation of all of this is having good ideas.

If your ideas suck, your content will suck. Sorry.

Where can you go to get good ideas?

  1. Reading and journaling. How can you be a thought leader if you never spend time thinking, reading, learning, and journaling? Take things that you learn and share your take on them.
  2. Model good content. Seen a video or piece of content that you liked that got a ton of engagement? Model (read: not copy) that post and rewrite it with your own knowledge, experience, and ideas.
  3. Ask your audience. Find out what their #1 paint point is. Answer questions people are asking in the comments. Listen to your customers.

Take your ideas and write them down somewhere, or voice message them to an assistant to organize them for you.

These ideas create the basis for all your content going forward.

I like to write my ideas as tweets, which makes for a really good starting point.

Step 2: Reformatting

The same idea can be rewritten into 10 or 15 different formats.

Here are some of the formats that I like to use:

  • Short form videos
  • Quote cards
  • Carousels
  • Photo dumps
  • Doodles
  • B-roll videos

There are literally dozens (probably even hundreds) of formats that work on social media.

Get clear on which ones you like and that you want to create.

Take each idea and try to turn it into as many formats as you possibly can.

Then schedule these posts out for the next 1–2 months, so they’re not getting posted back to back.

The power of this is that you get tons of native content.

It’s not just copy and pasted to every platform, it’s reformatted to make sense for each platform.

Step 3: Cross posting

Now is where the platforms come in.

You can take each format you created in step 2, and cross post it to multiple platforms.

Each platform has different formats that work well on that platform. But some formats don’t work well on some platforms.

So you have to know which platforms make sense for which formats.

For example:

  • Short form videos → IG Reels, TikTok, and YT Shorts
  • Quote cards → Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn
  • Tweets → Twitter (X) and Threads

So now you’re getting more mileage out of each piece of content you created because it can go on multiple platforms and spread your reach to more people.

Now automate it

I created a system with my team that completely automates this entire process.

All I have to focus on is having good ideas (but even that I get help on sometimes…) and showing up occasionally to shoot videos.

Because I’ve built extremely clear guidelines on exactly how to create and publish each format, my team can handle the rest.

My content goes out like clockwork across all platforms on a daily basis.

If you want a sneak peek of this system in action, I just recorded a quick loom video showing you how it works.

Watch it here →

Hope you enjoyed this letter. See you next week.

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