Client work is amazing when it’s the right fit. I love working with our clients and building with them. The synergy can be palpable, and really fun.
But what about those times when it just isn’t clicking? Where something feels off. Like it’s just not going in the right direction.
Often as service providers, we do everything we can to save a client, or continue giving them a good experience.
But sometimes it’s just not a good fit. And the extra work and stress from trying to make it work isn’t worth the extra little bit you’ll make on that account.
So what do you do?
Most of the time, you can communicate with the client and set some ground rules to keep moving forward.
But in some cases, it’s not worth energy that goes into trying to save a client relationship, and you’d be better served using that time to find another client.
So with that being said, here are 3 times when I absolutely consider firing a client:
1. They can’t give feedback without being condescending
I personally believe that as a service provider, you should be very open to feedback. After all, your client is paying you to help them with something. They should have a say in how it’s done.
If there’s something wrong, we want our clients to communicate it to us, so that we can help solve the problem. That’s just good customer service.
However, some clients struggle to communicate in a professional way. And these people are not worth working with.
If you have a client who always provides feedback with subtle jabs or attacks to your or your team, it might be time to move on.
(In some cases I’ve noticed clients who are professional when speaking to me, but condescending and rude to my team… and I am NOT okay with that)
In our company we value professional communication, and expect the same from our clients.
2. They don’t fulfill their side of the partnership
I view contracts with clients as a partnership. Yes, we are contracted to provide a service for them. But they also have responsibilities in the partnership in order to be successful.
When a client won’t take responsibility and still expects you to be able to deliver at the highest level, it’s a recipe for trouble.
Not to mention, when you can’t offer your product effectively, it makes you look bad when you deliver a mediocre end product, or the client doesn’t get results.
Make sure your clients understand the partnership nature of your service and know what they are expected to bring to the table before signing.
If they’re not willing to take on their share of responsibility, it might be worth pulling the plug.
3. They refuse to follow your systems
Especially as an agency, we’ve built an incredibly streamlined process for how we onboard new clients and deliver a consistent experience and product every time.
That process is extremely important for us to be able to deliver a quality product, and do it consistently for all our clients simultaneously.
When a client tries to circumvent your process and get a customized product, it not only destroys their experience, but it affects your other clients too.
Make sure you have clear systems and processes in your business. And expect your clients to follow them.
If they won’t, it may not be worth working together anymore.
Have you ever fired a client? What reasons would you add to this list? Hit reply and let me know.